An Android Phone Launcher App

Video recording with USB connection and Android Debug Bridge to produce animated png|gif.
adb shell screenrecord --size 1088x1088 /sdcard/latona.mp4
stop recording with ctrl-c
adb pull /sdcard/latona.mp4
further processing of mp4-file on to transform and downsize

Contacts as VCARD
Resources used
Alex Schroeder's frog faces

app iconProfon App

download Profon app v. 0.9, ARM-cpu runs up to Android 8.0, (8.1?)

After download to your ARM-cpu powered Android device please follow the instructions that will appear. You will have to allow install app from unknown source in your settings too. You will be asked to permit access to your contacts.

Profon offers contacts with a phone number. You select by name and on completion the phone app is opened with the phone number filled in.

Profon is designed to provide large clickable areas, to ease the use of small devices with big thumbs. The big font size helps users with visual impairments. It might enable senior users to manage a smartphone that have tactile difficulties to scroll properly. There is no need to scroll as all choices are instantly visible. Actions in the first index view are triggered by FingerUp events, on motion the eventually shortened prefix is visible in full length in the header. Following views use FingerDown events. In case you missed the intended button please use the upper right backspace button to return to previous state. Key-Break steps back too, on initial view Key-Break withdraws the application. The upper left button resets to initial condition with empty prefix. To recognize recently added contacts the app has to be restarted.

The menu is organized to require a minimum of selections and simultaneously provides large clickable areas. The size of characters adapts to space available. It happens you get entries like "listen current balance" in the first level view. Long texts in first level may lead to small texts and poor visibility. If you introduce dummy entries that start with letters (l,c,b) and a dummy phone number you are able to move these entries to the next level. This prefix scheme additionally may be used to introduce categories, like "!" or " !" as contact names. This works for up to 3 words in the contact name. The first 3 words are permuted to provide entries in the start view to any name component.

We respect your privacy: the embedded webview that links to this page does not leak your contacts.

Profon is built with androwishAndroWish's AWSDK bones tool.

Your Phone Contacts As Taipudex

A Taipudex is a metawidget, or megawidget, that is used to incrementally select a single list element. The choices available are presented in sorted order and show possible completions in advance.

A choice is performed either by click/touch events or by a valid keypress. Subsequent choices replace the current view. Every view shows unique completions in advance. Subsequent choices are arranged inplace, the complete prefix is always visible in the header. Views have the unique characters in the single character column. Keyboard input goes to a regular input/entry widget in the header which takes combined characters too. There is no need to use accelerator keys, as classic menus define keyboard shortcuts - using understrike marks at arbitrary positions. On touch devices a taipudex does not require the standard virtual keyboard for input. A list elements last selection immediately triggers an action without an additional key press. Press "return" to select an item in the first row which is already complete. The taipudex gui realized in Profon is implemented using the Tcl/Tk framework.

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1In collation sort order accented characters are mixed into range A-Z of Latin alphabets. Lowercase letters are followed by uppercase letters. Punctuation marks and currency symbols appear before 'a'. Cyrillic and Greek letters appear after latin 'Z', although some letters look identical.
This is different from national sort order.