classic index to start with | link |
current Luatype prefix | |
A-Z | alphabetic range index |
prefix example | Lunar_x |
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Disclaimer: The selection menues are derived from Wikipedia.
No Wikipedia articles are displayed on this domain. This demo implements a dynamic user interface to reach Wikipedia articles by page title with the least possible keypresses. The 2 Luatype input fields on this page allow to navigate >6 million different spellings of page titles.
The Wikipedia article shows the text '(Redirected from "link")', when you choose a spelling different from the name in the browser's url bar.
The dynamic list content in this demo is in ASCII-code order, that is all uppercase letters come before lowercase letters. Uppercase letters on second selection upwards lead to abbreviations in many cases. The presence of brands and international names in unfiltered Wikipedia articles brings relatively small opportunities to autocompletion compared to a single national language. The dynamic list arranged in columns works similar to menus, treemaps or selection lists that change on every valid keypress.The layout is similar to a traditional A-Z book index: the next possible letters appear in first column and if so a definite continuation exists, in second column with appended ellipsis. Ellipsis require further disctinction, text without ellipsis or empty columns are final values. The process of turning pages forth and back in a printed encyclopediae is replaced by a sequence of proper keypress with some keypresses saved.
Traditional search input in browsers requires keypress enter or a click to the search icon right of the input field to proceed, Luatype input advances immediately on the keypress that completes a title. The moon icon leftside is obsolete to the lookup process, it is just an allusion to the button with magnifying class icon, that is placed right to common custom search input.
This page is created from HTML templates. The input fields respond to single keypresses and the associated selection list changes on valid input. The selection list is organized as a decision tree - so every valid keypress forwards the selection process with unique completions included.
On mobile devices no soft keyboard is required. The selection works like a virtual keyboard with required keys only. The input method acts like an autocompletion combobox, yet with no additional keypresses like selection by arrow keys and enter key. When a list entry is chosen without followers, the corresponding Wikipedia page is opened in a new tab.
The HTML datalist element allows an equivalent implementation. Given the first character of elements is unique in the dataset, the matching element is taken to the connected input field. Yet the result differs well by browser in layout, scrolling and visibility on focus.